Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Hobby?

Just down the street from our new house is an apiary. I've been itching to try my hand at brewing something, even though I'm not a great drinker, and do believe I'm going to attempt to make some mead next year. I found Storming the Castle: Mead, which has demystified the concept somewhat. Does anyone reading this who has done so have any advice or links to share?

While looking around, I found a recipe for non-alcoholic mead, which I thought I'd pass along.

I'm actually a much bigger fan of hard cider, and may give that a try as well, but don't believe I'd be able to make the style I actually prefer to drink (sweet and a little bubbly).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, my best friend's husband brews mead...a lot. I don't know what TIPS I can offer, but I can tell you that it's delicious and the thing that frequently fuels our performances.